Friday, September 10, 2010

Bloglines Gone To Deadpool

Bloglines, the venerable RSS feed read of the yesteryear, is going the way of yesterday on October 1st. Bloglines will cease it's operations and if you are Bloglines user, is providing tools to export your feeds to another reader.
A $10 million product in 2005 for ASK.COM, Bloglines quickly lost it's ground to Google Reader and who ever were left, have lately defected to real time news sources like twitter.

That said, plenty of people are still RSS aggregator-faithful, and Bloglines was lucky enough to be the news aggregator of choice for many of them. I want to thank these users for their support through the years. We are posting notification today, providing a three -week period to export feeds to another service – more detail and instructions can be found on the Bloglines website.
Techcrunch has added Bloglines to it's Deadpool.