Teqlo which is also in beta at he moment offers something everyone could be happy about. If you ever have tried to build a pipe on yahoo pipes, you know the drill. The difference at Teqlo is that it is focused on getting your work done without having to worry or think about about APIs, coding, or scripting. For Technical and non-technical people alike.
You can even plug in Yahoo pies as well, are we talking mash ups or what? Instead of reading my rumblings here I think it is better to head over to Teqlo and try out.
Word of warning though, about registration/ sign up page! If you are the type who wants to know terms of service or terms of use, please do that before filling up your information. It is at almost bottom of the sign up page. Why? 'cos you have to type up your information again, if you click on the terms of use link!
But the rest of the Teqlo is super for me, so far.
This is what their Executive summery has to say what Teqlo is all about;
"Web application developers have been building sophisticated services interfaces and protocols into their applications for years as a means of stimulating third party developer activity, we are taking that one step further by enabling non technical users with the capability to drag-and-drop components to a web page and enable reliable communication between services. Through enabling co-creation of process and task automation applications we unleash a wave of new applications that really do represent the way people work, because they are built by the people who use them!
Imagine you want to drop sales leads onto a map and then select contacts for daily calls, such as a sales person would do. Maybe you want to automatically notify your preferred customers when you are having a promotion event, or plan an event, or manage employee expenses. Teqlo's breakthrough sequencing methodology and data routing technology enables these and many more user generated applications without the steep learning curve imposed by competing technologies."
Teqlo the next great mashup